Naorahdolls Joker (Coming from Spain)

Naorahdolls Joker, male Seal Bicolor borned on the 17th of September 2014 coming from Spain.

To describe Joker is enough saying that it took me about two years before I found him, and it was a laborious search. I was not satisfied of the various specimens that were seen in the various foreign breeding catteries…What I wanted was a truly special Ragdoll not only for its beauty, a ragdoll with an extremely sweet character, that will transmit you tenderness just looking at it, a male who would be disarming for its unlimited sweetness and so arrived Joker, a large-sized cat, just think that one year of age his weight was already 7 kg, a male for breeding, with such a weight is really something “special.” His character is very sweet; he has a faint meow barely perceptible and is really an adorable cat.